Privacy Policy

Ideas Hub Chelmsford

Safeguarding Policy and Procedures

Last Updated: 1 September 2020

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Introduction Ideas Hub Chelmsford makes a positive contribution to a strong and safe community and recognises the right of every individual to stay safe.

Ideas Hub Chelmsford comes into contact with children and vulnerable adults through the following activities: Befriending Activities and Mental Health support, Creative Workshops, Parent and Toddler sessions, volunteering, events, work experience and in and out of school  projects with children

This policy seeks to ensure that Ideas Hub Chelmsford undertakes its responsibilities with regard to protection of children and vulnerable adults and will respond to concerns appropriately. The policy establishes a framework to support paid and unpaid staff in their practices and clarifies the organisation’s expectations.

Legislation The principal pieces of legislation governing this policy are:

o   Working together to safeguard Children 2018

o   The Children Act 1989

o   The Adoption and Children Act 2002:

o   The Children act 2004

o   Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006

o   Care Standards Act 2000

o   Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998

o   The Police Act – CRB 1997

·            Mental Health Act 1983

·            NHS and Community Care Act 1990

·            Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974


Definitions Safeguarding is about embedding practices throughout the organisation to ensure the protection of children and vulnerable adults wherever possible. In contrast, child and adult protection is about responding to circumstances that arise.

Abuse is a selfish act of oppression and injustice, exploitation and manipulation of power. This can be caused by those inflicting harm or those who fail to act to prevent harm. Abuse is not restricted to any socio-economic group, gender or culture.

It can take a number of forms, including the following:

•   Physical abuse

•   Sexual abuse

•   Emotional abuse

•   Bullying

•   Neglect

•   Financial (or material) abuse

Safeguarding and promoting welfare is:

·        Protecting from maltreatment

·        Preventing impairment of health or development

·        Ensuring growing up /living in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care

·        Taking action to enable all to have the best outcomes

Definition of a child

A child is under the age of 18 (as defined in the United Nations convention on the Rights of a Child).

Definition of Vulnerable Adults:

A vulnerable adult is a person aged 18 years or over who may be unable to take care of themselves or protect themselves from harm or from being exploited.

This may include a person who:

•   Is elderly and frail

•   Has a mental illness including dementia

•   Has a physical or sensory disability

•   Has a learning disability

•   Has a severe physical illness

•   Is a substance misuser

•   Is homeless

Contextual safeguarding:- for other than small children ·        Peer on peer relationship abuse

·        Criminal exploitation (including County Lines)

·        Sexual exploitation/ online abuse

·        Risks associated with gangs/ groups

·        Radicalisation

·        Safeguarding in public places

·        Trafficking and modern slavery


Responsibilities All staff (paid or unpaid) have responsibility to follow the guidance laid out in this policy and related policies, and to pass on any welfare concerns using the required procedures.

We expect all staff (paid or unpaid) to promote good practice by being an excellent role model, contribute to discussions about safeguarding and to positively involve people in developing safe practices.

All staff (paid or unpaid) in direct contact with children and vulnerable adult have to be DBS checked.

Additional specific responsibilities

Trustees have responsibility to ensure:

•   The policy is in place and appropriate

•   Liaison with and monitoring the Designated Senior Manager work

The Designated Senior Manager is Edith Miller – ESCB level 3 Safeguarding course- June 2019.

The Deputy Designated Manager is the Ideas Hub ‘s space manager or outreach workshop leader – trained by Edith Miller

This person’s responsibilities are to make sure:

•   The policy is accessible

•   The policy is implemented

•   Sufficient resources (time and money) are allocated to ensure that the policy can be effectively implemented

•   Promoting the welfare of children and vulnerable adults

•   Ensure staff (paid and unpaid) have access to appropriate training/information

•   The policy is monitored and reviewed

•   Receive staff concerns about safeguarding and respond to all seriously, swiftly and appropriately

•   Keep up to date with local arrangements for safeguarding and DBS

•   Develop and maintain effective links with relevant agencies.

•   Take forward concerns about responses

Implementation Stages The scope of this Safeguarding Policy is broad ranging and in practice, it will be implemented via a range of policies and procedures within the organisation. These include:

•   Whistleblowing – ability to inform on other staff/ practices within the organisation

•   Grievance procedures – to address breaches of procedures/ policies

•   Health and Safety policy – including lone working procedures,  mitigating risk to staff and clients

•   Equal Opportunities policy – ensuring safeguarding procedures are in line with this policy, in particular around discriminatory abuse and ensuring that the safeguarding policy and procedures are not discriminatory

•   Data protection (how records are stored and access to those records)

•   Confidentiality (or limited confidentiality policy) ensuring that service users are aware of your duty to disclose

•   Staff induction

Communications training and support for staff Ideas Hub commits resources for induction, training of volunteers, effective communications and support mechanisms in relation to Safeguarding

Induction will include:

·        Discussion of the Safeguarding Policy (and confirmation of understanding)

·        Discussion of other relevant policies

·        Ensure familiarity with reporting processes.

Communications and discussion of safeguarding issues

Commitment to the following communication methods will ensure effective communication of safeguarding issues and practice:

·        Team Meetings

·        Trustee Meetings


We recognise that involvement in situations where there is risk or actual harm can be stressful for staff concerned. The mechanisms in place to support staff include:

·           Debriefing support for volunteers (by request) so that they can reflect on the issues they have dealt with.

Professional boundaries Professional boundaries are what define the limits of a relationship between staff, volunteers and visitors. They are a set of standards we agree to uphold that allows this necessary and often close relationship to exist while ensuring the correct detachment is kept in place.

Ideas Hub expects staff to protect the professional integrity of themselves and the organisation.

The following professional boundaries must be adhered to:

·        No discriminatory or abusive language or behaviour

·        Sharing of any personal information, including contact details, of any volunteer, visitor or staff is strictly prohibited

·        All personal property left at the Ideas Hub is at the owner’s risk

The following policies also contain guidance on staff (paid or unpaid) conduct:

Code of Conduct

Health and Safety


Reporting The process outlined below details the stages involved in raising and reporting safeguarding concerns at Ideas Hub

·        Communicate your concerns with the Charity Manager/ safeguarding lead  or Lead Volunteer. Seek medical attention where needed

·        Record and report:

–          Write a written referral with accurate factual information about the child/ vulnerable adult and family (Don’t use your own words to describe events/ Be specific about concerns and being able to provide evidence of those concerns)

–          Obtain consent to make a referral unless this puts the vulnerable child/ adult more at risk

–          Keep accurate notes of concern whaich are dated or signed.

·        If emergency/ need to  seek advice from the Social Service Children and Families helpdesk or Adults helpdesk:

T:03456037627 Please ask specifically for the children and families hub

T: 03456061212 Out of hours service

Allegations Management Ideas Hub Chelmsford recognises its duty to report concerns or allegations against its staff (paid or unpaid) within the organisation or by a professional from another organisation.

The process for raising and dealing with allegations is as follows:

First step: Any member of staff (paid or unpaid) from Ideas Hub Chelmsford is required to report any concerns in the first instance to the Charity Manager or Lead Volunteer. A written record of the allegation, investigation and outcome will need to be securely kept.

Second step: The allegation must be investigated and if there is a suspicion of abuse, this must be reported to the relevant Local Authority team:

Adults: 0345 6037630

Children under 18 or people with impairments under 25:

0345 603 7627

Third step:  follow the advice provided

Monitoring The organisation will monitor the following Safeguarding aspects:

·        Monitoring whether concerns are being reported and actioned

·        Checking that policies are up to date and relevant

·        Reviewing the current reporting procedure in place

Managing information Information will be gathered, recorded and stored in accordance with the Data Protection Act, Children Act, Care Act and Human Rights Act.

All staff must be aware that they have a professional duty to share information with other agencies in order to safeguard children and vulnerable adults. The public interest in safeguarding children and vulnerable adults may override confidentiality interests. However, information will be shared on a need to know basis only, as judged by the Designated Senior Manager.

All staff must be aware that they cannot promise visitors or volunteers or their families/carers that they will keep secrets